Tag Archives: Marketing

Marketing Matters: Are College Students Prepared for the Business World?

Vintage stuff at Shine Gallery: Pennants
litlnemo / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA


Some may ask, “How does college students’ preparation for what comes after their graduation have anything to do with business and marketing”? As students and people, we all must remember our personal image, brand, and how we carry ourselves on a daily basis. This isn’t just about appearance, but also skills in the business world and the office. Are college students prepared for careers in fields that they’ve studied for the past 4 years? Business professionals say no.

According to a survey taken by Bentley University in Waltham Massachusetts, hiring managers don’t think college graduates have sufficient skills both in communication and the jobs that they’re applying for. Lack of interpersonal and writing skills are of major concern, adding onto the already mentioned issues managers are dealing with on a day-to-day basis. All the blame can’t be put on one or two factors, but why are college students not ready for careers, especially in the business sector? Are the colleges not teaching these students real skills that the business world requires, or are these 20 somethings not paying attention during classes and lectures? Maybe it’s both.

Ask a handful of college aged adults how school is going, the usual answers range from, the classes are hard to the parties are great. Not many seem excited to learn or want to gain as much knowledge as possible in the career fields they’re pursuing. For a hiring manager, this is the mentality they’re seeing from the millennial generation, even before these prospects walk into an interview. Very few students prepare themselves for the job they want, and lack the commitment and seriousness that is necessary to acquiring a position at a company or business.

All that ties into their personal brand and how they market themselves. Marketing isn’t just selling a product; as college students we’re constantly selling ourselves. When we meet new people in the dining hall we want to present ourselves as friendly as possible, or on a first date we want to show the other person we are worth their time and affection. But why doesn’t this translate to the business world? There seems to be a disconnect somewhere along the line, and whether that has anything to do with lack of preparation or not, college graduates aren’t impressing those already in the workforce.

Being a third party in conversations, college graduates still talk on a student level, displaying that they’re not fully ready to hold a meaningful discussion with employees both in minimal and high ranking positions. By now, graduates should be presenting themselves as if they belong in the corporate world and not at the fraternity or sorority house. This willingness to not let go of the college lifestyle isn’t helping, and for those who are moving on and preparing for what lies ahead, they are more likely to impress at an interview or in a casual conversation during a pickup basketball game.

The small details matter. Dressing as a professional, talking as a professional, and showing that you’re ready for the next chapter in your life is what makes you stand out. Adults don’t forget those who are serious and have a passion to succeed in life. That same seriousness might just land you a job, as you’re constantly making a first impression, and it can happen anywhere. However, this isn’t common among graduates, despite their endless talk of “I need a job” or “It’s difficult to find work”. Instead of waiting for an opportunity as if they’re waiting for a text from a friend, going out and pursuing is the best way to find a job, even if the economy is struggling.

Managers want serious and professional young talent, but they’re having a difficult time discovering them as there are not many to be found. Branding is extremely important, and it’s a must for every college student to make sure they’re valuable to a hiring manager. In their shoes, seeing an endless amount of college graduates presenting themselves the same way as their peers, lacking in necessary skills, and not possessing the passion for working in a career path they studied for aren’t characteristics worth hiring. You must stand out, if your peers aren’t prepared but you are, you’ll succeed. Hard work does pay off, and while others slack, you must show the business world what you can bring. It could be the difference between sitting on your coach saying “I want a job” and getting paid and prospering.

Marketing Matters: What Are Some Contractors and Home Builders Not Doing?


Foter / Public domain

Depending on who you talk to, some contractors and home builders are doing well and are having no problem finding work while others are struggling. In an economy that seems to be up and down constantly, and some regions of the country prospering more than others, what can these contractors and home builders do from a marketing standpoint that they haven’t explored yet? Is advertising for this industry really as easy as snapping a photo and posting it on social media? Yes.

If you’ve read my previous articles on social media, you know that I’m a big buyer into Instagram, a site that seamlessly allows users to post pictures they’ve taken and share them to the world. Home builders and contractors should listen up; not many in my region of New England have done this yet and it might be different elsewhere. Whether you’re a carpenter, remodeler, painter, electrician, or plumber, frequently post pictures of your work. Show viewers the new wooden floor you installed and what it looked like before you started, or for the other contractors mentioned, post pictures of the difference from your work to what was already existing in that room.

For the home builders out there, go on Instagram and share the work your company has done in a neighborhood, the houses you’ve built, not only the interior, but exterior. Create a blog; explain and illustrate the houses that you and your team constructed. Explain why you’re different from all the other home builders out there, and how you’re going to be worth the customer’s time and money. Across the board, this industry captures many viewers attention and for those who need a remodel, a new floor put in, or a completely new house, you can show them by the previous work you have done.

Houses are one of the essentials in life which means many people want to own or rent one. Instagram is a social media site that can help market and advertise what you do, unlike the yellow pages or even a website. A few pictures a day from the interior to the exterior says a lot more than a 500 word about us page. It’s also not a bad idea to create a Youtube account giving the viewer a live look at the house, and give them a better picture as to what the rooms will look like with their furniture.

There have been trying times in the housing market, but with social media you can advertise without spending a dollar, and the potential clientele you’re reaching by using these sites are greater than if you handed out flyers or created an ad in the yellow pages.

In a good or bad economy people need their houses repaired both internally and externally, and by posting pictures, creating a Facebook and Twitter page, you’ll give the potential customer a reason to spend money. That’s the key. Successful marketing isn’t just having an ad here or there, it needs to be so good that the customer has a desire to pay you money so that their floor looks new, the plumbing and electrical circuits are fixed, or the addition is done perfectly.

Unlike most industries, the housing market is a place where people constantly dream, and along with that comes emotions and wants in their houses since they were young. You’ve got to fulfill that, and by gaining their trust through Instagram and other social media sites, it can be done without spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on advertising.

As with all companies and businesses in any sector, you have tools that can be used to help market what you’re selling and the services you provide. Social media is a game changer and should be utilized in any way possible. You don’t need to be in a home design magazine, Instagram will do that for you, and the best part, it’s free.


The Power of Instagram From A Marketing and Business Point of View

New Instagram Logo
stevegarfield / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA


Instagram is one of, if not the most powerful social media site for businesses that can be used at their disposal. Companies spend thousands of dollars on advertising when there are other alternatives that can target specific customers that produces a higher success rate in terms of views and interest. One picture of your product can result in a buzz on Instagram, creating a snowball effect that could gain traction in a matter of minutes. How is this possible? Visuals. People want to see a product, not read about it.

As an experiment and being influenced by friends, I created an Instagram account and posted some pictures from an auto show I had attended. Within a few minutes I already gained a few “likes”, and this was without using many hashtags and words. The same can happen for businesses and corporations, yet not many take advantage of this marketing tool that is waiting to be used. BestBuy and J.C. Penney are just a few of the big retail stores that aren’t posting pictures of their products on Instagram, and perhaps this could be one of the many reasons why these two stores are struggling.

Twitter also has this affect if used properly, but the tweets have to be tailored to a specific audience. Instagram on the other hand appears to be different in that pictures tend to go viral faster than words. For clothing stores such as American Eagle, they’ve already figured it out, posting pictures of a discount tag showing that they’re having a sale. Then, posted on the windows of their stores, they ask the customer to post pictures of themselves wearing their clothes. This is how you create a following and market on a small budget. There is nothing wrong with going the traditional way, but social media is proving to be more successful for those who are advertising in 140 characters or fewer.

There are many small businesses on main streets and side streets with high foot traffic, but how many of the people driving or walking by enter those stores? Face it, these businesses get forgotten, or at the very least aren’t recognized for what they are and what services they provide. Along with a Twitter and Facebook account, posting photos of the front of your business or store, the products you sell, or if you’re a contractor with a logo, post it. In every city there is always that one contractor, electrician, or plumbing company that gets most of the business because of their popularity, and because of this, there is a possibility they haven’t ventured out to social media. Do what you’re competition isn’t.

As with all social media sites and blogs, posting often is another way to gain followers. Having a static page that doesn’t update regularly won’t attract any viewers, and there is a chance people will begin to unfollow. Customers want fresh content, and when it comes to a blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you have to post as if these followers are your clientele. It’s marketing and advertising, simply put. These social media sites aren’t being taken seriously, so you must be the first ones to do so.

As entrepreneurs you must all be open to new ways of spreading the word about your business and what services it provides. For too long small stores have sat in the shadows of the big conglomerates, but with social media that can all change. There are opportunities out there and some of them you’re already using, but not in the form of business, marketing, and advertising. Take the next step and stand out from the rest. Be the first to innovate and change how advertising is done on a local level. Social media is being used wrong, be the first to exploit this technology.

Marketing Matters: 2014 Mazda Commercial Perfect From Beginning To End

Mazda 3 Badge
Mr. T in DC / Foter.com / CC BY-ND


Car manufacturers tend to try entertaining television viewers more than informing them; a topic that gets brought up during Superbowl Sunday. Sometimes the completely outrageous commercials are a success, but going the traditional route by being simple and honest with a touch of motivation to buy the vehicle is more effective. Mazda’s new commercial for their 2014 Mazda 3 contains every aspect a good car ad should have, from the narration to the music playing in the background.

Having Bruce Lee, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Jackie Robinson in this commercial was great thinking. The Mazda 3 is a small sedan and hatchback which is where the reference to Bruce Lee comes in. This Mazda isn’t like the competition in it’s class and therefore Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture is telling the viewer just that. The courage that this auto manufacturer has, being likened to that of Jackie Robinson, shows that they went in a direction with their car that no one else thought of. This concept alone is enough to sell potential buyers, but Mazda didn’t stop there.

Thirty seconds into the commercial the fuel economy is brought to the viewers attention; the Mazda 3 gets 41 miles per gallon on the highway. Skyactiv technology is exclusive to Mazdas, and this improves fuel efficiency and engine output. Safety features such as the alerts the driver gets when a car is in the blind spot is clearly depicted, giving another reason to the viewer why he or she should buy this vehicle. Then entertainment features that allow the driver or passenger to connect to Facebook and Twitter show the technology capabilities of the product. It’s been about one month into 2014, but so far this is the most informative and perfectly done car commercial of the year.

Lastly the music, using Capital Cities’ song, “Safe and Sound”, is appropriately dropped into the ad seamlessly, insinuating that the car is in fact safe. I’ve had the pleasure of sitting in the new Mazda 3, both the sedan and hatchback and the commercial in every aspect is true. To see a car manufacturer finally make an ad that is honest and simple is encouraging, and other auto makers should consider doing the same.

The final sentence, “Dare the impossible and you can do the incredible” not only wraps up the commercial by saying “Look at what we’ve done to our new Mazda 3”, but it also motivates the viewers. Having three legends in their respected professions wasn’t just a marketing ploy to say that the Mazda 3 encompasses what those men did, it was done to also make the viewer act. “Dare the impossible and you can do the incredible”. A great commercial all around and it embodies everything an ad should be.

Marketing Matters: Associate Yourself With The Product You’re Selling

Apple logo Think Different vectorized
Foter.com / Public domain


Today, CNBC’s Facebook page is asking readers and viewers who the top 25 most influential people are in business. The first two innovators they had going head-to-head is Steve Jobs, former CEO and co-founder of Apple and Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon. The results in the comment section weren’t surprising, but looking at this question at face value, this isn’t a fair comparison. Jobs has so far received most of the votes, while Bezos is getting recognition here and there. How can this duel between two revolutionaries who changed how we listen to music, talk on the phone, or shop online translate to the small businesses around the country?

Both Jobs and Bezos are faces of their respected companies. However, Steve Jobs will always be associated with the iPod and iPhone, while Amazon is looked at as an online distributor. It’s difficult to say who has influenced the world more, but why is Jobs more popular to the public than Bezos? It’s comes down to the product. When you hold your iPhone, listen to music on your iPod, or see the Apple logo, you think of Steve Jobs because of his association to the company. Bezos on the other hand is providing a service, and while some may think of him when they visit the Amazon website, he’s not the first thought that pops into the customers’ minds.

For small business owners, you need to be associated with your product or service, whether that be plumbing or auto repair, a clothing or hardware store owner. You need to be the person who everyone knows and not have your business referred to as the same as every other store in your industry. This can be related to image and perception; if the customer feels comfortable with who you are, the product is received in the same way. For the businesses in which customers return, such as restaurants and barbershops, you want to be referred to by your name. You don’t want to be the barbershop on Elm Street, you want to be referred to when people plan on coming to your store as, “I’m going to get my haircut at Joe’s barbershop”.

If your business can be distinguished so that you’re not the same as Anthony’s store across town or up the street, you’ve already succeeded in having a quality brand. Association with your product or service is the same as branding and marketing. You, the business owner is the best form of marketing and advertising, and you are the first impression and face of your company. Business is a popularity contest so get to know your customers, give them something to talk about when they’re with their friends and potential future clientele.

Some industries don’t require an actual face of a franchise such as Amazon, UPS, or FedEx. It’s a national service and the buyer of the products that are being shipped to their front door only care about what they bought, not who delivered it. I don’t know Jeff Bezos personally, but he probably doesn’t want the spotlight like Steve Jobs, or he doesn’t care. However on a local and regional level, showing your face and interacting with your clientele leaves an impression on your customers; this goes hand-in-hand with your business’ reputation as they look to you first.

Marketing, advertising, branding, and association with your business are all connected. Have your face on your business Twitter and Facebook accounts; show the potential clientele who you are. People are more reluctant to buy into a product or service if they can’t see who they’re calling. Visuals such as pictures and videos work best, and this article ties into my article I wrote yesterday.

Being the Face of Your Business Can Instill Trust In Your Customers

When it comes to Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos, they can’t be compared, as one is not more important than the other. But from the public’s point of view, the product they’re holding and using reminds them of who created it, to make what was once impossible, a reality.

Being the Face of Your Business Can Instill Trust In Your Customers

Lucille's Diner Owner: Jamaica, Queens
Jorge Quinteros / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

In marketing, there is no better advertiser than you, the owner, the CEO, the expert in your field. Many times small business owners look to others to go on camera or advertise their products for them. In the New England area, there are a few examples of business owners being in the spotlight, being the marketer to the consumer by appearing in commercials. For those of you in other parts of the country, or even the world, you’ve probably seen regional businesses owners on television, showing their face to the public in a commercial. For the smaller businesses out there, you can do the exact same thing. Your outlet is youtube.

Marketing goes beyond e-mailing, tweeting, and posting articles about what you do. Having you on the screen in a video, or your picture on a website, connects the consumer to you even if you never say a word to the person who is viewing the content or watching the videos. Seeing the business owner’s face, or the people that work at the company, instills trust in the customer because they see you as open, friendly, and down to earth. Words on a web page is one thing, but showing the viewer who you really are goes much further.

Even if you’re not in the video, having people who represent your company, or satisfied customers who have enjoyed your products and services, can go a long way. Multiple aspects of marketing coming together, such as video, a webpage, and using social media effectively will ensure the customer that they’re making the right decision spending their time and money going to your store.

Taking a look at the examples that I mentioned earlier, Jordan’s Furniture which is now owned by Warren Buffet, was started by two brothers. Even though they sold the company, one of the brothers, Elliot, still appears in the commercials, giving the impression that he still has a say in how the company is run and that he is still around. Some companies who advertise on television in which the original owner is deceased or has sold the business, do poorly because that friendly face who everyone identified as the owner, is no longer there or family members don’t appear in the new ads.

Another example is Ernie Boch’s car dealerships which is now run by his son, Ernie Boch Jr. Having the son’s voice in commercials, even though he also sold the business, once again shows that he still has control, even if that’s not the case. When it comes to marketing or advertising on a television screen or computer monitor, customers want to see a familiar face, one that they can relate to or feel comfortable with. If the customer perceives the owner and spokesperson to be a certain way, they’ll assume the business is a reflection of who they see in the commercials. When it comes to visual advertising, you, or someone that reflects the company should be in the video; it’s not a must, but highly recommended.

Think about your advertising and marketing, especially on youtube. That, along with advertising on your website and social media is highly recommended. You’re the face of your business, so show the customers who you are and how your company is run. Just as content on a website is bare without a picture or two, the same could be said when not marketing with a face, logo, or something customers can relate to. Before buying, consumers want to believe in the owner as well as the product, so present yourself as friendly and professional.

Marketing Matters: Are Electronic Stores Becoming a Thing of the Past?

Best Buy 20070222
Ivan Oyarzun / Foter.com / CC BY


With the recent holiday results released by Best Buy and GameStop, there appears to be a slowing down of the economy in the electronics sector of the market, at least for brick and mortar retail stores. Amazon has taken over, as they have no real competition in online sales, and their prices are forcing stores to look to discounts and other avenues to make up for the lost revenue. Best Buy and GameStop could be the beginning of a trend for other stores specializing in selling electronics, and if changes aren’t made, they could join Circuit City on the list of electronic stores that are no longer in business.

How did this happen? For Best Buy, they aren’t just competing with Amazon, they have to deal with the Apple Store, Costco and Sears who also sell TV’s and computers, and other small or big conglomerates who put electronics on their shelves. The giants of the electronic industry are becoming a thing of the past, especially now that people shop online more and prices are more competitive than ever. It’s how Best Buy is dealing with this situation that is a cause for concern; and the fact that they’re not addressing the real issue.

It has been reported that they’ll begin to drop prices to compete with others in the market, making them no different than the rest. The Titanic is already sinking, these stores are already in the cold water, and now they’ve resorted to try outcompeting as they’re slowly sinking. The earnings reports for the holiday season were not good, yet they’re not making adjustments to an actively changing industry.

What is one specialty that Amazon cannot provide, at least not yet? Computer and TV repairs. Best Buy has the Geek Squad that does just that, but it’s been years since they’ve pushed that service in ads and commercials. They want to expand what the Geek Squad does, but the customers first thought about Best Buy is that’s where they sell new electronics. Maybe it’s time to show the public a new aspect and department that specializes in repairs, not the very tiny service the Geek Squad provides. Walk into a Best Buy store; they’re not marketing that service, despite sitting on a potential gold mine and struggling with new products.

Small businesses who specialize in computer repair on the other hand, are being overloaded with computers and laptops to fix. At some local shops, it’s a four day wait to get your computer back, and the owners of these small stores have more business than they know what to do with. This is where Best Buy needs to step in. Desktops aren’t big sellers anymore, but you’ll be amazed at how many people need them repaired.

As I said before in a previous article, Best Buy needs to advertise on Instagram and Twitter. Millions of potential customers are right there, but they’re not tapping into the resources that are at their disposal.

For GameStop and stores of the like, Amazon is going to be the number one cause of their demise. Customers don’t need to have a video game in their hand when buying, and with overnight delivery, the waiting time isn’t that bad. The same can be said for consoles. There will always be people who are too impatient to wait for delivery and they’ll go to the stores. But especially during the holiday season, the online purchase of these products skyrocket as they’re more likely to be bought as gifts. GameStop is in trouble and there’s no doubt about that, and according to market analysts in the industry, their stock has been on death watch for some time now.

Best Buy still has a chance to stay afloat in the long term, but for stores that sell only video games, the outcome might not be a happy one. For small businesses, lessons can be taken from this. If your industry is changing, you must go with the flow or look ahead to see what the next big thing is to offset keeping with the status quo. The electronic retail industry is in trouble. However opportunities are always available, these stores just need to find out what will work instead of continuing to not address the problem.