Category Archives: Marketing

How Social Media Marketing Can Change the Perception of Marketers

hahatango / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

The advertising and marketing industry is always looked down upon by consumers, and rightly so. At least once in their lifetime they were fooled into buying a product that either didn’t live up to expectations or was a complete waste of money that some cold-calling marketer, or even salesperson, pressured them into buying. With movies depicting advertising agents and marketers in a bad light, the perception consumers have of the industry isn’t a good one, but with social media that can all change. Needless to say, there will still be dishonest marketers trying to make money off customers, but for the honest ones, here is your time to shine.

Social media marketing, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform, gives the marketer the opportunity to be not only professional, but social and real. Just as the company he or she works for, the marketer has a reputation that can easily be tarnished, and have to face the repercussions of treating a customer poorly for years to come. Because of social media and the internet, our faces and information about us is accessible and customers can post reviews about companies or individuals and also confront these businesses and individuals through direct messaging. This should be the first realization for not only marketers, but anyone who is trying to build a reputation, attract clients, or prove to followers that you’re an experienced, credible professional in your field.

In my time as a sports journalist and editor, my primary goal was to give accurate information about the team I was writing about. So it was inexcusable to post an article with a title that was misleading, with the knowledge that the site could be looked at as a blog that gives out false information, and pulls the bait and switch. This can be applied to social media marketing. When displaying the product or service on your Facebook page, first think as a customer and what you would want to see from a business you shop at. Next, don’t give out false or misleading information; be up front and honest with factual information. Lastly, don’t just tell your customers why they should buy the product or service, but show them. Link to other sites that backup the information you’re telling people. By giving the customer independent information, it further validates your credibility.

Always have your customers’ best interest in mind. Treat them well, and they will return. That’s why social media can change the perception consumers have towards marketers and advertisers in general. Show them that you’re as much of a customer as they are. Be real and honest, and you’ll have customers for life who will return and spend their money for your product or service. We all see the fake side of social media when used for personal use, but for businesses, this is your opportunity to show how real and serious of a company you are. A customer’s trust is crucial to have a surviving and thriving business, and with social media marketing, you can prove to everyone why they should buy your products, or walk into your store.

Social Media Matters: How Pinterest Can Be Used In Marketing and Business

Raul P / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

When we think of Pinterest, the first thought that probably comes to mind is that it’s a social media platform that’s primarily used by women. This idea is very narrow-minded and negates the average consumer and business owner from seeing the effect Pinterest has in terms of marketing and business. Yes it’s a platform dominated by pictures, but those pictures have links, and those links can direct the user right to your company’s website or online store. In simpler terms, Pinterest is basically an SEO/Social media outlet that guides consumers to a specific site without reading a list of article titles and instead, pictures that grab the attention of the consumer.

Say for example your business specializes in beach chairs, hammocks, and other products that are primarily bought before or during the summer. If you have an online store or sell your products on Amazon, people who are in need of these summer essentials will search for that product and when they find a chair or hammock they like, they’ll buy it. With Pinterest, you’re subtly and casually reaching out to the customer with pictures of your product, making it a comfortable experience for the potential buyer.

To be an effective seller on Pinterest that captures the viewer’s attention, you must rip a page out of old-school marketing that we all learned at a young age, even if we didn’t take actual business courses. Take a high quality picture of someone relaxing in your beach chair or hammock; the ideal location would be the beach or backyard that puts the consumer in the shoes of the person who is reclining in your products. Before buying anything, consumers picture themselves using the product they’re interested in. In this case, they’re probably imagining getting a nice tan, feeling the warmth of summer, or that relaxation they so desperately want. You want to meet them in the middle, and the picture creates the experience for the consumer.


Pinterest can also be applied to contractors’ marketing strategies. By showing people what your business can do for someone’s home, that is the best form of marketing. It’s easy to say on a website that, “We remodel homes and create a comfortable living environment for your family”, but by displaying your work on Pinterest, where customers can see your skills shine, you’ll make a bigger impression on people than if you wrote a 600 word blog post describing what their room or house will look like after you’re team is done.

It’s all about creativity and giving the viewer the opportunity to imagine using your product or experiencing the change your services provided them. Pinterest is a way to connect with customers through the use of pictures instead of text. If you can get viewers to re-pin, click, and buy your products, you’ve mastered Pinterest. Social media is a powerful marketing tool that has endless amounts of potential. Some platforms work better for some companies depending on the industry, but if Pinterest can be of any use to your business, you must utilize it.

Social Media Matters: Engage With Your Customers, Even in a Casual Setting

Facebook, Twitter, and many social media platforms allow businesses to connect with their customers and acquire future consumers by specifically targeting their audience through ads and updates on their pages and accounts. However, connecting with your followers or customers doesn’t have to be confined to formal engagement and can be used even when using your own personal Facebook or Twitter account. You may ask how, and it’s actually really simple; something you might already be doing without even thinking about it.

A few days ago I had casually commented on an update a popular car blog had posted on their Facebook fan page. An SUV, that in my opinion wasn’t practical for any consumer financially, was loved by many who commented on the same picture and link. A person responded to my comment giving great feedback, which wasn’t his intent, as he made the case that this SUV was capable of going off-road, and the vehicle was well worth the price.

A lot can be learned from this, and as a marketer, if I was to come up with a marketing strategy for that specific vehicle, the feedback that was given allows me to tailor any advertisement towards an audience that wants that SUV. Off-road capability, along with it’s AWD, and cargo space, should be the main focus when advertising that vehicle. Now that we’ve got inside the consumer’s mind and understand what he or she wants in a particular vehicle, it can now be applied to both the auto industry and other business sectors.

Very few businesses do this, but asking the buyer why he or she is buying the product they brought to the counter gives invaluable information to the marketer. There is no reason for them to fill out a form stating why they bought it, but a simple question that can then be applied to the next customer that walks through your door. If you own a toy store and a kid comes up to the cash register with an action figure or play set, seeing his or her excitement for it, and listening to what they’re saying, then allows you to market that toy to attract kids who want that toy, but didn’t know it was in your store.

This shouldn’t be confined to products either, as even a gym can get positive or negative insight into what the consumer or gym goer wants. I’ve been asked, “How did you find out about our gym?”, but I’m never asked “What do you like or dislike about our gym?”. The second question is almost, if not more important than the first, as the customer’s response may make you consider changing what your gym offers. If a majority of customers express that they want more free weights and less machines, action should be taken to make the people who workout there happy. Simply asking that question could save you time and money, and keep gym goers coming through your doors.

Consumers don’t want formal marketing, questionnaires to fill out, or annoying ads that hinder what they want to do. Engagement on social media, both on your fan page and during your own personal time, along with asking friendly and open questions, is going to make the potential customer more comfortable. You can learn a lot from what the consumers are saying, but you’ve got to be willing to listen. One status on Facebook pertaining to a product or interest is a great way to learn the buying behaviors of your customers. If you can understand the psychological reasoning behind their buying habits, you’ll be able to market and advertise much more efficiently and effectively.

Social Media Matters: Web Content vs Social Media Marketing

In 2014 companies have multiple outlets and strategies to choose from when it comes to marketing, advertising, or just getting exposure from a blog they manage. One debate that has become a tug of war over the past year or so is what form of marketing is better. Should businesses continue using SEO and Google Adwords or change their strategy by looking to social media and other forms of digital and mobile marketing? Even for the average blogger who is looking to make a few dollars as passive income, what is the more effective game plan that will get them noticed and the results they want?

Web content continues to be the main focal point for businesses, as SEO is still relevant and effective enough to bring in money and customers. However, in the digital age and the evolution of social media, companies have to straddle a fine line between posting content that is engaging, but not so long that readers lose interest and stop reading halfway through the article. The title can be enticing enough to click on the link, and companies might be posting really informative content, but article length does pose a potential issue if their clientele need visualization more than text.

As a blogger and former sports editor, writing content worked because fans wanted to read about their team. The sports industry does well when it comes to web content because sports fans can’t get enough of the rumors and news surrounding their favorite team and organization. But how about the companies that are in industries and business sectors that don’t have avid fans and customers that want content about a service or product like an endless supply of chocolate cake? Where do these companies turn to gain interest into what they’re selling? Social Media.

A simple fan page on Facebook and a Twitter account is enough to attract potential customers for two reasons. First, businesses can specifically target an audience that already has interest in the product or service. The keywords that are used when creating a promotional ad for a Facebook fan page targets users who like similar products or have certain interests that pertain to the same industry and activity. This allows companies to focus more time on potential customers who might buy into the service or product(s), and invest less money into their marketing strategies.

Second, the content that can be posted on a Facebook fan page or Twitter account is actually more informative and direct due to the creativity businesses have to employ. With Twitter allowing users to post tweets with 140 characters or fewer, what is being said has to be precise, making it very clear to the reader what the company is trying to sell. Facebook is similar as well. One paragraph with a link or picture and video of the product is more effective than a 1000 word article posted on a website. If a service or product doesn’t need to be explained thoroughly, social media is the better route to take because of it’s directness and it’s ability to help the customers and followers visualize.

It really comes down to the clientele. If they want to visualize and watch, social media is going to reap the benefits more than just web content alone. Also, social media allows more interaction with both the customer and company as it’s more personal and engaging. Questions can be asked and information can be given out and received without the customer or follower reading a long article that possibly jeopardizes the chance of that viewer buying into what the company is selling.

As a customer myself, and a social media marketing consultant, I truly believe web content needs to reinforce the social media aspect of a marketing strategy more than dominating it. More people use Facebook and Twitter than Google and other search engines. It’s time to make the switch and plunge into the digital and mobile age.

Social Media Matters: Twitter Incorporating an Analytics Page?

A few days ago, I received an email from Twitter for one of my accounts, giving me information on the amount of views I got on a particular link I posted. It told me what was the most popular tweet I shared during the week, and also how many followers I accumulated. As most of you know or have probably seen, Twitter has made changes to profile pages, making all tweets more vivid and enabling you to put a popular tweet at the top of your Twitter timeline. With these subtle add ons and changes, could we be seeing the future and growing potential Twitter may have for businesses both big and small?

The first thought that came to mind with the analytics email was that this would be an important tool to gauge how effective marketing and advertising on Twitter really is. This also gives the user valuable information as they’ll get a better idea as to what content draws the most views and creates buzz. Right now that is what’s lacking from Twitter, and while your website’s analytics page gives you certain information, it doesn’t exceed the boundaries of the site itself.

If this becomes an added feature to Twitter, this further enhances the effectiveness of social media marketing, and gives the business owner another tool to see what works for the company and what doesn’t. Search engine optimization is slowly being replaced by social media optimization, which unlike Google, Yahoo, and Bing, targets a specific audience and gives the customer or viewer exactly what they want. This also works for the marketer or business owner, as social media is beginning to drive more traffic to sites making keywords obsolete as opposed to hashtags, which are being used across most social media apps.

Also by giving the statistics on what the most popular tweet of the week was, it then lets the account manager know what gets attention and how other users respond to it. Instead of sitting around thinking of what to Tweet next or thinking of a clever statement, companies could use the same blueprint based off the analytics to tailor to a specific audience, something that they don’t have right now, forcing them to use their own judgment. If business owners know what makes their followers tick, they’ll continue posting content that creates interaction and further development of the customer base on social media.

Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media outlets are the future of marketing and advertising, and receiving an email from Twitter that gives me information on my tweets and links, proves that how businesses reach potential customers is changing. It will be interesting to see if Twitter does in fact implement an analytics page on the site itself, or continue sending emails to their users. Either way, this could be vital to a business, especially those who market and advertise on social media.

However, the only question that has to be raised is whether this will be used for businesses only. Analytics to companies and marketers are extremely important, but to a high schooler or college student who has no interest in either career paths wouldn’t find an analytics page useful.

Social Media Matters: Startups Need To Obtain A Following Before Thriving

It sounds quite simple, but so easily forgotten. Startups must acquire a following before posting web content and utilizing SEO. How can this be accomplished? Looking to social media is the best way to grow a following even before your company is ready for business.

As important as SEO is to a business, you need a loyal following to grow the customer base. Continuously posting web content will get you higher on the search engines, but if you’re new to blogging or a startup business, researching SEO shouldn’t be the top priority. You need readers, buyers, and clients, and social media speeds up the process, as you can target the customers you know will be buying your products or calling for the services you offer.

Some business owners and independent bloggers who don’t know SEO, will suffer the consequences as they’ll post content, but no one will be reading. Facebook and Twitter can offer a remedy, and by spending as little as $5 a day, they’ll be sending ads to users who will be interested in the blog, business, or just the Facebook page itself. Once you have a decent following, then start sharing the content, and because they were specifically targeted, they most likely have friends who are interested in the same topic or product. This is a form of buzz marketing, and it works. If SEO isn’t you’re strong suit, look to social media.

Social media is the future; it’s an inexpensive way to market and advertise your business and or blog. What makes Facebook pages and Twitter accounts for a business so great is that you’ve got the skills to maintain your social media outlets because you’ve already spent countless hours on these sites by using your own personal accounts. Some business owners are intimidated by this form of marketing, but it’s one the most rewarding and effective ways to make your company profitable.

As I’ve said in previous articles I have written, social media marketing allows you to talk with customers on a personal level, making the customer/owner relationship worth much more than in previous decades. You can interact with them and gauge what’s working, and what isn’t when it comes to both your communication and even business. As the saying goes, “The customer is always right”. Whether you believe it or not, those are the people who are making your wallet grow as long as you give them what they’re asking for.

Social Media Matters: Are Websites Still Necessary For Businesses?

In a marketing sense, Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized how businesses advertise their products and reach out to their customers. Is it possible that the days of the website directing traffic to the company are over?

When going to a business’s website, whether it’s a store down the street, marketing firm, or contracting company, what do they all have in common? Usually an about page, what they do, who’s the owner, and how the long the company has been in business. There will be a contact information section where customers can see where the store is, what number to call, or who to e-mail. But social media, especially Facebook, can do all these things and more.

One of the biggest issues facing business owners is drawing in viewers and potential customers. SEO, or “search engine optimization”, has been taught to be the most effective way to reach a countless number of people, but business owners and even bloggers, either don’t have the time to learn it, or just don’t want to do it period. This is where the power of Facebook comes in.

“Like” pages can be a simpler solution and much easier to maintain than a website or blog. You can get your point across in a few sentences, post pictures of your product, and connect with your customers on a more personal level that websites can’t offer. Your contact information will be at the top of the page with your company’s phone number, and address if you have a brick and mortar store.

Best of all, you can advertise your Facebook page with ads that specifically target people who will be interested in what you’re selling. For $5 to $20 a day you can get the word about your business out to customers, with a certain amount of “likes” daily varying on how much money you spend on the Facebook ads. So far there have been a few companies who have only marketed and advertised on Facebook through ads on their page, and are reaping the benefits for it.

It’s still taught that social media should reinforce the main website, but after seeing firsthand that companies can thrive on social media alone, the website may not be as necessary as previously thought. If you already have a website, that’s great, but take the next step and get on social media. The future of marketing and advertising is here, and you want to be at the front of the line before your competitors finally see the potential social media has on their businesses.