In this day and age of blogging, vlogging, Youtube channels, and social media platforms, people can turn a weekend hobby into something more serious, that if there is a demand for it could lead to bigger and better opportunities that could result in making a profit. Many of these hobbyists continue chugging along, putting countless hours into something they love, but have a hard time getting noticed due to bigger or more experienced blogs, bloggers, or Youtube channels. To remedy this, there are resources and tools at the disposal of these people to help grow their following base, and create that interest that’s been lacking without simple marketing techniques.
Because you’re on the Internet, social media is the best way to go when creating exposure. Also known as social media marketing, sharing content on your social media platforms that connect to your blog or YouTube channel will pay immediate dividends, especially when it comes to Twitter. Hashtags can be used to reach like-minded individuals who are actively searching for content in that particular hobby, and you can connect with those people as well to grow a socially engaged audience. By posting on Twitter, you’re also putting out content that could be read by companies or professionals in the industry that your hobby is a part of, something that you can’t do on Facebook as easily since you’d have to look to advertising.
Twitter alone can be a powerful tool to help grow a following. With Facebook, you can share not only your content but the content of other blogs and businesses in that field. Commenting regularly on posts and giving out quality, well thought out opinions can also create exposure, as other commenters might be interested in what other information you could provide. But don’t spam these Facebook pages with, “Like our page” or other generic comments that could prove to be costly in both the short and long term.
The biggest mistake some Youtubers make is that they don’t promote their social media pages. A majority of the views videos get on Youtube are from people who don’t have Youtube accounts of their own, which means they won’t be subscribing and will not receive notifications when you post a new video. That’s where promoting your Facebook page and Twitter account is important. At the end of each video mention your social media accounts and what they offer that might be different from Youtube, give them a reason to follow. Make the viewers aware that you’re on other sites where you can be reached or followed anytime, anywhere.
The 21st century has been very kind to hobbyists, and it’s important to take advantage of the opportunities technology has given you. Social media marketing takes some time and effort, but if you’re willing to put in the time to post blog articles and YouTube videos, you certainly have enough time to grow a following on social media and get the exposure you deserve.