One of the debates back in high school was that the Xbox 360 was better than the Playstation 3, and while faithful followers of both sides would argue constantly, there really wasn’t a right answer. Little did any of us know that marketing played a major role in the decisions of 14-18 year olds across the United States. From the commercials, to the colors of the logo and the features each console had, the decisions and beliefs both sides had were solidified when these teens not only bought into the product, but also the marketing behind it.
If you’re a hardcore gamer, you could probably give me a list of the differences between Xbox and Playstation, but you can’t tell me that there is a major difference in graphics. Other than a few games that are exclusive to one console, there is no change in gameplay, despite the fact an Xbox or Playstation gamer would tell you otherwise. Online chatting is the real selling point, as you can talk to a friend or a group of friends who are playing different games on the Xbox, but you can’t do that on the PS3.
Getting to the real decision maker was how the product was marketed. If you’ve seen an Xbox commercial lately, you’re aware of the bright green logo and the bright green backdrop. That’s an eye catcher, and that shade of green exudes innovation. Seeing a color that goes well in the tech industry is going to create consumer confidence, even if it’s subliminal and a subconscious reaction by the viewer. While being associated with the NFL on Sundays, Xbox is reaching potential customers on a weekly basis, and by displaying the Madden football game, there is the outlet for gamers to get online and play the only football game on the market.
Playstation on the other hand rarely has good television ads, and even when they do, their darker colors aren’t appealing to look at and are certainly not an eye catcher. They’ve not made a major attempt to attract customers, and instead are banking on the faithful owners of current playstation consoles to return and buy the newest platform, which most likely they will. The PS4 saw strong sales figures last year, and this could have something to do with their lack of ads, but Xbox continues to do what they do best, and that’s get the attention of viewers.
Just as the golden arches of the McDonald’s logo is one of a kind and has become a global icon, so has Xbox’s green X. Consumers don’t forget a good product or brand, and while there is no major difference between Xbox and Playstation, the consumers will always assume Microsoft’s Xbox will create the most appeal when it comes to graphics and gameplay.
Next time an Xbox commercial pops up on the screen, think about what you’re viewing. The eye catching colors, along with quick shots of gameplay will make the idea of owning the new Xbox 1 more appealing. That’s the effectiveness of marketing. While I’m a hardcore Playstation fan, I can’t help but notice that Xbox’s commercials are offering something much more exciting and enjoyable, even if in reality they’re no different than Sony’s Playstation.